1. Describe some times in your classroom when you do or could differentiate content based on student readiness. When you differentiate content based on student interest. When you differentiate content based on student learning profile.
2. The chapter offers several instructional strategies for differentiating content. Which of these might you use (and when) to enhance learning for some of your students? What other strategies for differentiating content might you add to the list?
I can't believe I am the only one on tonight...I thought lots of you didn't sleep well like me. Oh well, here it goes. The chapter offers several instructional strategies for differentiating content. Which of these might you use to enhance learning for some of your students? What other strategies for ifferntiating content might you add to the list? I like many of these ideas and they seem like they could easily be done unlike some of the other things that I had previously read! I really like the idea of "digest of key ideas." This could easily be done with each story read in Reading Street. I think it would be even more interesting if my advance learners could create this for my struggling readers instead of myself. I often think that the text is too challenging for my struggling readers but what a great idea to incorporate each group of learners. The idead of a flow chart or other graphic organizer would be very effective here. I also like the idea of the highlighted print materials. Kids often want to use their highlighters and highlight everything. I think with the basic amin ideas highlighted, it gives the learners more focus on topic. Next week we will be researching for our animal reports. Students will be printing out various articles to help them to write their reports. Already knowing that some of this information will be too hard for many of the students, I would like to incorporate this concept with highlighters when locating information for their reports. Therefore, I will also be incorporating the using varied text and resource materials for these reports. I am planning on using my Zoobooks magazines, great for the struggling reader, but way too easy for my advanced, thus, the need to bring in other books and the internet which can challenge my advanced readers. Hope this makes sense...I actually really kind of feel like I got something out of this chapter at this early in the morning! Dennine
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a great activity, Dennine. Will you let me videotape some of it? Lee Ann
ReplyDeleteI am trying to decide how to better teach unit 2 in Social Studies. I was reading the different strategies and trying to decide which ones I could use in developing a unit basically on Ohio History. I think using a varied text and resource materials definitely could be used. I want to have something put together similar to what we give the kids for science. I may have to start small and really make it my summer project because it can be overwhelming trying to do too much. I do however want to pull in other sources of info to teach about the American Revolution. I use ed helper a lot and A-z readers. I like using AZ readers in Literature Circles. That is one way to have more time for Science and Social Studies. i need to do a better job with computers. I miss the laptop cart!! Too many kids and too few computers! I have been thinking about my circle group and what activities I can do with them with computers.
ReplyDeleteI introduced reports to my class by talking about spiders. We read an az book on them and watched an united streaming video. We did all the organization together and I even gave them topic sentences. It was a long and grueling process, but now i am hoping the next time around it will be easier. I need to allow them more freedom to research and allow my more advanced writers the freedom to go off on their own.
ReplyDeleteI am totally with you on the computer cart deal. I am running into the exact same issues. I, too, have been thinking so much more about my lessons and what I can do to make them better. I guess that is what evaluation does to you when you know the principal can show up at any time...fortunately it has been for a check-up of Terris and candy!!!!! Anyways, I have been starting with little things and have been talking about the little changes to various staff members. I have especially utilized ideas that we did on our recent staff development day. They love snow ball fight! I can only take so much though!!!!! Dennine
The chapter offers several instructional strategies for differentiating content. Which of these might you use (and when) to enhance learning for some of your students? What other strategies for differentiating content might you add to the list?
ReplyDeleteThe strategy I found and am strongly considering using is the learning contracts. The whole idea reminded me of the specific goals in the IEPs that I create. The IEPs are discussed with the parents in the elementary school years, but in the middle and high school years, the students are invited to the meetings to make them aware of their educational goals. The students can also provide input and suggestions to create transitions plans at this time as well. I think if I went over each of my student’s goals with them as written in their IEPs and have them sign stating they are in agreement with the goals and will work hard to achieve the measurable goal that will help take the guess work out of why I have them practice the same concepts over and over again. The relevance would be in black and white and they can see that they steer their level of instruction, not me. Their motivation drives how much of the goals we encounter and once the goals are mastered, we can move onto the next step in their academics.
Dear Dennine,
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned the issue of technology in the classroom. I was wondering, is there a way in which the teachers can ante up their laptop computers when they are not being used in order for students to use technology in their lessons. I know when I received my observation, I had my students use my computer to play a vocabulary game while other students finished up their tests. I think the information we provide daily is better retained when our students can follow up by using the computer. They love technology.
ReplyDeleteDo you still do your Ohio Challenge? You did such a great job with that! Even if it is not a "formal" evening, incorporating games is usually motivating to students. Differentiated qustions could be part of the activity. You could also have the students do Ohio reports in groups based on topics of interest. Lee Ann
ReplyDeleteI think it is a great idea to incorporate learning contracts and IEP goals. There is a 5th/6th grade intervention specialist who has started doing student led IEP conferences. For these conferences, the students prepare a Powerpoint with the intervention specialist of their goals and objectives to present at the IEP conferences. The students beam as they are presenting this information about themselves! Lee Ann
How about having some older students buddy up with younger students. They may share the same interests. Let me know if you have a student that would like to share an interest with my whole class, small group or an individual. Older students could do all the planning and researching on a particular topic. Technology can be used to present the lesson. Kara
ReplyDeleteOne instructional strategy that I have been trying to build up is a variety of resources materials for social studies. I have inherited all of my mother in law's teaching "stuff". Going through folders and folders of stuff I found many useful maps, news articles, magazines, pictures, etc. I started to cut out interesting articles from the paper and magazines that can be used in our social studies series. I really like the articles that deal with character values. Share if you find something interesting. Kara
ReplyDeleteLee Ann,
ReplyDeleteI haven't done Ohio Challenge in years, but I am thinking about bringing it back!! So So much work, but the kids love it!