Saturday, October 8, 2011

Chapter 3

The chapter lists 17 skills of learning to differentiate instruction. With which of those are you the most comfortable in your teaching? With which are you least comfortable? Why?

I feel the most comfortable with sharing responsibility for teaching and learning with students, ensuring that students are prepared for the shared roles. Being an intervention specialist allows me to build relationships with not only the parents of the students I work with, but also their teachers in terms of significance the teachers may notice with my students. I also have to be on the same page as the classroom teachers because I must adhere to the curriculum while providing the instruction essential to the learning goals of the students’ IEPs. I feel very comfortable discussing issues that may arouse with the student or the learning environment of the student. The area I am the least comfortable is scrounging for a variety of materials. I have never worked at a site with so many different means used to reach students with learning disabilities or struggling learners. I feel as though I am in the Mecca of instruction. The Oz of academia because many of the items I have learned about through my studies I am seeing first hand and students are achieving at a higher rate of success because the teachers have the opportunities to learn how to use the resources at the site effectively.


  1. I do feel that we have been fortunate in our district with the instructional tools we have at our disposal. We also have many opportunities for professional development, available just for asking (through both regular education and special education funds). It is great that you can remind us of the variety of resources we have and that they really do make a difference in the education of children. Lee Ann

  2. I feel I think and use time flexibly. Sharon and I discuss each morning what we are teaching that day and make a plan accordingly. Sometimes that means reading first, or sometimes that means teaching math first. I also feel I really stress to the kids that we are a family and we need to be there for each other. We incorporate group contests in our classroom which stresses the importance of working like a team. I believe these contests to stress a sense of community in the classroom.

  3. Lee Ann I agree with you that we are really lucky in our district to have a variety of tools to use in our classroom. Our district is constantly looking at new strategies to engage our students. I really like using Collins in my classroom. I think it has really helped our kids develop as writers.

  4. Chapter 3
    The chapter lists 17 skills of learning to differentiate instruction. With which of those are you the most comfortable in your teaching? With which are you the least comfortable? Why?
    I would have to say that the one that I am most comfortable with would be thinking of and using time flexibly with a close runner up of peeling back first impressions, looking beyond actions, erasing stereotypes. I guess I have been made to be flexible, as it has not always been my strongest attribute! But over time and life experiences we learn that you can't always have your ducks in a row! With the incorporation of title teachers, intervention specialists, and others, I have learned to go with the flow, knowing that it is for the benefit of the students, not myself, gives me the opportunity to stay flexible.

  5. I agree with you both as well. We do have a variety of tools to use in our classrooms. I do believe that Collins also has been a great benefit to our students as well as us as teachers. Great modeling of the writing process and the ability for our students to write what they know only prepares them for the life outside the classroom.

  6. Aleicia,
    Holy cow! You are the Mecca and Oz all in one! I am going to call you the Great and All Powerful Mecca from now on!!!!! Can you come in and co-teach figurative language with me? Your grasp of metaphors is astounding to say the least!!! We are allowed to have fun when we blog....right? Love ya!

  7. It's nice to be able to add more time to a topic when the kids are really engaged, or step away and use another approach, another time, when they just aren't. One of the joys of elelmentary school!

  8. Dennine,

    I laugh at the comment you sent to me, but in all reality, our district is a wealth of educational resources. I came from a district with no text books or curriculum. The students did not have homework. The computer based curriculum was a joke because it did not align with the state standards and the teachers knew that, but continued to teach the material because that was what was easiest for them to do. Coming from the dark into the light, I am so grateful to be where I am today and each of you make the decision to work at McGregor a blessing. Like you told me my second week working with you,"it's a promotion."

  9. The ability to be flexible is a great asset. It relates back to teaching as “organic” and always changing. There are constant adjustments to be made along the way in the teaching/learning continuum. It sounds to me that all of you spend quite a bit of time hunting for insights about individuals, also. Through this book study, hopefully you will feel that you have gained insight into accomplishing a common goal in various ways, diagnosing specific student needs and responding to those needs, and helping students become more involved in their own learning. Lee Ann
