Sunday, November 13, 2011

Working on that Jane Goodall Project:

Product: Create a newspaper section

Choice: which may include letters to the editor, editorial cartoons, feature article related to the text e.g. a news story about what students do to save wildlife, an article about Jane Goodall. Perhaps there could be comics ala' Mark Trail? Advertising?

Students will work in mixed ability groups, with each student responsible for their own content.

All content should include details from the text, and at least one fact and one opinion.

Each student could present their piece to the class and tell the class which statements are fact and which are opinion.

Audience: first our class, the n the final product could be shared with the grade that studies endangered animals (2nd?)

Grading: Includes fact(s)
Includes opinion(s)
Includes detail(s) from text
Edited for correct spelling and punctuation

That leaves out the public service announcement, unless perhaps it could go in as advertising? It would also be cool to put this together as a web page but that is beyond me.

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