Choose one question to answer and post at least one additional comment.
1. The chapter lists 17 skills of learning to differentiate instruction. With which of those are you the most comfortable in your teaching? With which are you least comfortable? Why?
2. How would you modify the list of guidelines for differentiation at the end of Chapter 3?
Choose one question to answer and post at least one additional comment.
1. We cannot reach those students whose minds we don’t engage. Who are the students in your classroom or school that remain frequently disengaged? What efforts in your classroom or school are consistently made to engage these learners?
2. In what ways does your experience affirm or refute the possible pitfalls of advanced learners in schools? What advice would you add to the chapter’s suggestions for working effectively with these students?
Choose one question to answer and post at least one additional comment.
1. At what point in your teaching does “micro” differentiation seem to be adequate to address changes in your classroom? When is it not enough?
2. Why is a “quantitative” approach to differentiation unlikely to work for advanced learners? For learners who struggle?
3. In what ways is differentiation likely to be “organic” based on both teacher growth and the passage of time in a given classroom?